01 February 2010

Data Object Interfaces in Linq

I'm currently working on a database where a lot of tables have a common group of columns, like this:
created_on datetime not null,
created_by smallint not null,
updated_on datetime not null,
updated_by smallint not null
The smallints are foreign keys from the User table. Together they provide first level auditability to answer questions like "When was each row created and by whom?" and "Which user made the last edit to this entity?". They're present in every table that has CRUD operations exposed in the application (that includes User itself). While the columns are always exactly the same, I prefer to keep them inline rather than make a separate table since I don't think they form an entity in their own right.

Anyway, there are places in the application where I just want to deal with those columns regardless of which table they came from. The footer that says "Created by user1 on ..." is a perfect example. The aim is to have all the classes that Visual Studio automatically generates implement an interface that encapsulates the columns above. Something like this:

public interface AuditInformation {
    DateTime created_on { get; }
    short created_by { get; }
    DateTime updated_on { get; }
    short updated_on { get; }
How can we achieve that? Remember that those classes are re-written every time you use the design surface so directly editing them is a clear no-no. Well, if all your tables use columns defined exactly the same, the classes already implement the interface - you just have to let the compiler know that. (This is where being very consistent in your naming and choice of datatypes can pay off nicely.)

Instead of editing the classes themselves, we can extend them using partial definitions. Consider a Product table and class. We can add this code to a separate file:

public partial class Product : AuditInformation { }
Is that it? Actually yes! Like I said, if you created your columns correctly, the auto-generated class already implements the interface because it contains exactly the right properties. Now your CreatedByFooter user control (or helper method) can reference the interface without caring which class is really being used.

For extra bonus points notice that you aren't limited to the column values. You can also use the relationship properties generated from the foreign keys. In other words, the Product class probably contains a User property that corresponds to the created_by column (returning a User object in its full glory instead of a plain user id value). You can add that property to the interface too. The only tricky bit is that you have to manually fix the relationship names in Visual Studio when you import the tables. In the example above, by default, the created_by relationship is called User and the updated_by User1 (sometimes, the other way around). That's not very intuitive so rename the relationships to something sensible like CreatedBy and UpdatedBy and add those same names to the interface.

That's it, job done!

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